Build a smart actor website in 90 seconds! Click here to begin.

Remember! Your web presence is 24/7 and international.
It is always there and working for you (OR against you). With a correctly built actor website you can take complete control of your first impression. Gather all of your career information in one beautiful place with an actor website built by Web For Actors.

Building ACTOR Websites is our MAIN focus!

Actor Website Feature #1
Is Your Actor Website

Built for Actors?

Web For Actors: Unlike most of out-of-the-box solution for websites, Web For Actors templates are built with actors in mind. What that means is that the WordPress acto

You can get a premium actor website for as low as $1 a month.

Actor Website Feature #2
Is Your Actor Website

Very Affordable?

Web For Actors: Over the past 4 years we’ve warned many up-and-coming actors of multitude of scams out there. We’ve researched all the “actor website” provider

We host hundreds of actor websites allowing us to keep the price down.

Actor Website Feature #3
Is Your Actor Website

Hosted at No Extra Cost?

Web For Actors: Unlike a lot of our competitors, we don’t charge our members outside of the regular monthly fee and we offer absolutely no limits. Add as many acting

Actor website without a domain is a profile page on some other website.

Actor Website Feature #4
Is Your Actor Website

Connected to a Domain Name?

Web For Actors: Branding. Branding. Branding! Having a domain name is the biggest part of owning a website and it is HIGHLY recommended by Web For Actors. Having a d

Don't be a YAHOO. Connect your custom email to stand out.

Actor Website Feature #5
Is Your Actor Website

Offering a Custom Email?

Web For Actors: Your website is part of your branding. Your email is part of your branding. When people get in touch with you they need to understand that you're serio

IADB has been chosen for a startup competition of a year. Twice!

Actor Website Feature #6
Is Your Actor Website

Nominated for Awards?

Web For Actors: Listing your acting awards on your website could be as simple as putting a bullet list somewhere near your bio, but... it doesn't have to be. Awards sh

If you have to google how to set up your website, that ain't right.

Actor Website Feature #7
Is Your Actor Website

Offering a Guided Setup?

Web For Actors: This item does not only speak to the ease of use of Web For Actors control panel, but also how much thought we've put into making sure that our system

If you're stuck with a single design, you're bound to go out of style.

Actor Website Feature #8
Is Your Actor Website

Design Hot Swappable?

Web For Actors: This is by far the most impressive functionality of your actor website and I'll get to it the "why" shortly, but first let me explain how one can obtai

If your actor website does not look good on a phone, it ain't no good.

Actor Website Feature #9
Is Your Actor Website

Fully Responsive?

Web For Actors: Everybody wants their actor website to be responsive, but most of the actors we worked with did not even know what that means. In short, it means that

Web For Actors actor websites are fully optimized for all the right keywords.

Actor Website Feature #10
Is Your Actor Website

Ranking High in Search?

Web For Actors: I'll put it this way. If you're getting an actor website through Web For Actors and you know nothing about Search Engine Optimization, do know that we

Can you name the person who does upkeep of your actor website?

Actor Website Feature #11
Is Your Actor Website

Fully Maintained?

Web For Actors: Well, if you're on Web For Actors, that person would be Tomasz. ;) So what does it really mean to have your website fully maintained? It means you hav

If your actor website is not connected, it may be out of date.

Actor Website Feature #12
Is Your Actor Website

Connected to the Cloud?

Web For Actors: So what is that “cloud” that we speak of after all? Actually, I was asked the same question by a PhD student I met at the UX design conference. We

You're an actor, your website should have what's on IMDb or more.

Actor Website Feature #13
Is Your Actor Website

Connected to Your IMDb?

Web For Actors: One of my biggest pet peeves on actor websites is the lack of credits. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s okay to just link to IMDb so that everyon

We have a link-up to the main casting sites in US, UK, Canada and Australia.

Actor Website Feature #14
Is Your Actor Website

Connected to Your Casting Profiles?

Web For Actors: Wouldn’t it be nice if you could google “your name + casting profiles” and just get a neat response showing the 3, 4 or 10 casting profiles that

All of our actor websites are built and tested with speed in mind.

Actor Website Feature #15
Is Your Actor Website

Ultra Fast Loading?

Web For Actors: Speed matters. Oh yes it does. Have you ever tried to open up a page, but it was taking too long and after few seconds (or maybe even a minute) you jus

Our control panel is so easy you can TEACH it in minutes.

Actor Website Feature #16
Is Your Actor Website

Easy to Customize?

Web For Actors: The most complaints that I hear from actors that use websites like Wix or Weebly or WordPress is that they hate updating their website because they don

For those who know coding, we've got options for you as well.

Actor Website Feature #17
Is Your Actor Website

Offering Advanced Customization?

Web For Actors: Warning, coding jargon coming up. If you don't like coding, stop reading now. Advanced customization options are available through Web For Actors, but

Most actor websites were not intended to list your projects.

Actor Website Feature #18
Is Your Actor Website

Listing All Your Credits

Web For Actors: When we say we list all of your acting credits, we don't mean all of the acting credits that are definitely confirmed by a third party. Yes most actor

You've worked hard to get those acting awards. Show those laurels!

Actor Website Feature #19
Is Your Actor Website

Listing All Your Awards?

Web For Actors: Similarly to acting credits, you want to list your acting awards. Most out-of-the-box websites will never offer anything that fits that category. Best

Showing your own contact information may not be enough.

Actor Website Feature #20
Is Your Actor Website

Listing Your Agents and Managers?

Web For Actors: One distinction between a standard web template and an actor web template is figuring out how to list your representation. While standard website templ

It's one thing to show photos, it's another to have a photo showcase.

Actor Website Feature #21
Is Your Actor Website

Offering Photo Galleries?

Web For Actors: Unlike a standard photo galleries that will show your actor headshots unthumbed, or improperly cropped and in original proportions which may not match

Did you know that most casting directors hate external video links?

Actor Website Feature #22
Is Your Actor Website

Embedding Your Videos?

Web For Actors: You'd be surprised how many actor websites out there list their video links that go straight to the source which is on a different website. You'd be ev

Actor Website, Voiceover Actor Websites, can you spot similarities?

Actor Website Feature #23
Is Your Actor Website

Optimized for Audio Playback?

Web For Actors: Websites for voice actors are actually especially hard to obtain, because you are dealing not only with making sure everything that regular actor shoul

Not all websites need a contact form. Actor Websites do.

Actor Website Feature #24
Is Your Actor Website

Prebuilt With a Contact Form?

Web For Actors: I think that one of the biggest issues with any website out there (not just actor websites) is not having a contact form that is easily accessible to a

Have you ever tried to print your actor website?

Actor Website Feature #25
Is Your Actor Website

Print Ready?

Web For Actors: Have you ever tried to print your actor website? I know, it sounds silly, but if someone needs your information, they may want to print it out real qui

Not only do we have that option, we built a tool for that.

Actor Website Feature #26
Is Your Actor Website

Showing Your Reviews?

Web For Actors: What do you do when you want to find a restaurant in a new city? You use Yelp. How about when you are not sure if you should or should not buy somethin

It's a rhetorical question. We know that only we do that.

Actor Website Feature #27
Is Your Actor Website

Auto-Generating Your Acting Resume?

Web For Actors: We just can't help but to brag about it. Our algorithms scan your social profiles for changes, and once we find them, we let you know about them, but

We offer social media shoutouts and spotlight articles.

Actor Website Feature #28
Is Your Actor Website

Linked Up for Social Promotion?

Web For Actors: You don't even need a premium account to request a spotlight article with Web For Actors. What exactly is a spotlight article? We offer you a blog pos

Most web developers don't understand what 8 by 10 means.

Actor Website Feature #29
Is Your Actor Website

Customized for Actor Headshots?

Web For Actors: - What's the size of an actor headshot? - 8 inches by 10 inches - How do you know that? - Doesn't everybody know that? That's right. We're not saying

Industry Contacts is a tool we're quite proud of it, read on to learn why.

Actor Website Feature #30
Is Your Actor Website

Collecting and Maintaining a Contact List?

Web For Actors: If you haven't tried our Industry Contacts tool, you should probably take a look at it soon. We offer a way for you to import your contacts, keep them

We try to write up documentations for each and every knob, toggle and button.

Actor Website Feature #31
Is Your Actor Website

Well Documented?

Web For Actors: Have you tried our administrator yet? Did you notice that every section has a linked up video tutorial? Yes, we do that. We also transcribe each and e

Keep your visitors informed with event notification slide-outs and headers.

Actor Website Feature #32
Is Your Actor Website

Announcing Your Events?

Web For Actors: You might already know that Web For Actors will gladly do shout-outs about your events, but keep in mind, that your website is also a powerful tool. W

Web For Actors offers basic analytic tools as well as easy link-up to Google Analytics.

Actor Website Feature #33
Is Your Actor Website

Collecting Visitor Stats?

Web For Actors: Are you a stats nerd? Yeah, so are we. While the paid websites come with basic visitor stats, if you need to know more, we will gladly link up your we

Are you active on Twitter? Flaunt your follower numbers to your visitors.

Actor Website Feature #34
Is Your Actor Website

Integrated with Twitter?

Web For Actors: There are multiple ways we integrate your website with Twitter. For instance, our Industry Contacts page allows you to follow your connections on Twit

Facebook may not be great for this industry, but a fan page is a fan page.

Actor Website Feature #35
Is Your Actor Website

Integrated with Facebook?

Web For Actors: There are multiple ways we integrate your website with your Facebook page. For one, if you don't have any other photos online (IMDb page, Stage 32 Pro

Unlimited storage for your videos showcased on your website.

Actor Website Feature #37
Is Your Actor Website

Integrated with YouTube?

Web For Actors: YouTube allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, comment on videos, and subscribe to other users. It offers a wide variety

Vimeo allows naturally elegant videos embedded to your actor website.

Actor Website Feature #38
Is Your Actor Website

Integrated with Vimeo?

Web For Actors: Vimeo is a video-sharing website in which users can upload, share and view videos. It was the first video sharing site to support high-definition video

The prettiest blogging interface on the internet connected to your website.

Actor Website Feature #39
Is Your Actor Website

Integrated with Medium?

Web For Actors: The blog feature of Web For Actors is experimental. If you however are interested in setting up a blog on your website, you have 3 options. One of thes

WordPress may be tough for building websites, but easy for blogging.

Actor Website Feature #40
Is Your Actor Website

Integrated with WordPress?

Web For Actors: The blog feature of Web For Actors is experimental. If you however are interested in setting up a blog on your website, you have 3 options. One of thes

Write your blog articles on Blogger and display them on your website.

Actor Website Feature #41
Is Your Actor Website

Integrated with Blogger?

Web For Actors: The blog feature of Web For Actors is experimental. If you however are interested in setting up a blog on your website, you have 3 options. One of thes

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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Niche professional websites for people in the film and TV industry.

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I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.

Actor Website helper: Bottie

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