You don't even need a premium account to request a spotlight article with Web For Actors.
What exactly is a spotlight article? We offer you a blog post on our website in which you will respond to some questions. You pick the questions, you write out the responses and we host the blog post featuring you, so that you can claim it as a news article on your website, on IMDb Pro, you name it.
In addition to that, you can request a shout-out on the social networks. We are followed by thousands of filmmakers, casting directors and other who's who in the film industry and we try to focus on surrounding ourselves with followers only WITHIN the industry. A shout-out from our social media account is a broadcast to other people in the film and TV industry, so if you want to announce your film, a casting opportunity, screening event, or even just tell people about your amazing actor website, let us know and we will pass it on.