You'd be surprised how many actor websites out there list their video links that go straight to the source which is on a different website. You'd be even more surprised how much casting directors dislike being thrown to YouTube without any warning. Fortunately with Web For Actors you will never have to worry about making such mistake.
Each video is stored on Vimeo and YouTube, so that you're not missing out on opportunities that do come from owning these channels, but it's extremely important to load does videos via the embed code provided by the third party so that all videos actually play on your actor website and don't redirect your visitors away.
Now, we know this may sound confusing to someone who doesn't know anything about SEO or maintaining video channels or creating embed codes for that matter, but Web For Actors makes it super simple to add each individual video to your website. All you have to do is copy the link of your video and paste it in your control panel. Your website will handle the rest.