What do you do when you want to find a restaurant in a new city? You use Yelp.
How about when you are not sure if you should or should not buy something on Amazon? You read user reviews?
Do you REALLY think that hiring an actor for projects varies this much?
To this day I have seen upwards of 1,000 different actor websites, but it's sad to say that less than 1% of these websites contain actual reviews / testimonials section. You should take advantage of this information and make your website stand out in the crowd by letting your visitors know who you've worked with and what great things they had to say about you.
We believe that Twitter reviews are the future of how the referrals for actors will be made. They're short. To the point, and if someone needs clarification, they can always find the original author and ask follow up questions. Best part is, you accomplish all of it using one hashtag: #IADBreview
You've seen it here first!