Wouldn’t it be nice if you could google “your name + casting profiles” and just get a neat response showing the 3, 4 or 10 casting profiles that you currently use? Well, guess what, it’s never going to happen.
A lot of casting profiles are not AT ALL searcheable.These websites do that for one reason or another, but one thing for sure, that reason is not to appease you. As long as they’re getting their money from either the casting directors, or agents, or from you, they’re happy and things are going to remain status quo.
So what’s the problem with that? I think it’s obvious. Let’s say I normally work with actors who are on Actors Access, because this is the main system I use and I don’t wanna jump through hoops. I want to be able to go to you website, click on your links and just select the profile I’m willing to work with. Yes, the hypothetical me is lazy, but if it’s a casting director, or even your agent that we’re speaking of, we know that this may be the case. Don’t make their work harder or you may no longer be their favorite.