A refreshing new approach to a dreaded process
Audition Psych 101 is a four-hour workshop for actors that deals with the mental side of the audition process. It's mostly a lecture/conversation, focusing exclusively on the way we thinkabout this weird show-business ritual, and how we can approach it better.
During the session, we deconstruct the ideas that make us feel scared, nervous, insecure, discouraged, and unworthy, explode some of our strange, illogical actor mythologies, and consider fresh ideas and practicable techniques for making auditions much more enjoyable and much more successful.
Here's why it's effective: Audition Psych 101 isn't based on any sort of magical positive thinking,
new-age philosophy, or spiritual beliefs. The ideas all come from solid, provable realities, professional experiences, and good old-fashioned logic. It's the stuff you know in your gut, brought back into focus.
The atmosphere is casual and encouraging and there's typically a lot of laughing.