In The Spotlight
There is no easier way to get an article written about you than having somebody interview you for their blog. Just like businesses try to do a shameless plug in somebody's blog while offering advice (I've done it before: Stage 32, Karmalicity and others), as an actor you are your own brand, and you need to get press releases.
I'd love to tell you that it's easy reaching out to people and asking them if they'd be willing to open up their blogs, but it's definitely not for everyone, and that may be why a lot of you don't have any press written about you...
But wait!
Web For Actors now offers "In The Spotlight" articles, in which it's up to you whether you get an article or not. We would love to know ALL of our members. So if you have something to share, now you can with self interviews. Simply go into your control panel (click ESC key from our site to get there fast), and pick "Spotlight" tab. Select the questions you want to answer, and answer them right on the spot.
If you want to take your time, go ahead, polish your answers. Once you're done let us know and we will schedule it to go out on one of the #SpotlightSundays.